05. - 06. March 2025


HOME OF INNOVATION - Human | Technology | Future

[Translate to English:] salz21

salz21 is Salzburg's technology and innovation forum.

It bundles the synergies of numerous initiatives and is the economic policy driver of our region.

salz21 | Technology and Innovation Forum Salzburg

Welcome to salz21 | Home of Innovation, the Technology and Innovation Forum 2023! Our expo and conference offer a unique platform for knowledge transfer, inspiring discussions and practical insights. Use the business matchmaking to find targeted business partners and be inspired by innovative products from the start-ups at our Expo. Be there when ideas meet technology and innovations become reality - at the Technology and Innovation Forum 2023!


What is innovation? How is it created? What does it take?

Innovation is the key component for growth and competitiveness in business, science and society. Stay curious and visit


Kurzbeitrag des ORF Salzburg zur salz21

Match, Make and Succeed!

Entrepreneurs, start-ups and investors, researchers and graduates - innovation-oriented people from Austria, Germany and all over Europe meet at salz21. Find new business partners at the business matchmaking event and seize the opportunity for joint success. The Salzburg Chamber of Commerce wishes you the best contacts!

Match, Make and Succeed! Business matchmaking powered by the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce.

Matchmaking @ salz21

EDIH Austria Business Talks 2024

Innovation durch digitale Spitzentechnologie gelingt am besten durch Zusammenarbeit. Für diese Vernetzung, branchenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit und Unterstützung bei der digitalen Transformation stehen die vier österreichischen European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) mit Knowhow zu Technologiefeldern der Zukunft wie KI, Data-Science und Crowdtechnologie für Start-ups, Unternehmen und Organisationen zur Verfügung. Besuchen Sie uns im Rahmen der EDIH Austria Business Talks 2024 und erfahren Sie, wie Ihr Unternehmen von dieser – größtenteils kostenlosen – Kooperation mit EDIH-Technologieforschung und Innovationsexpertise profitieren kann.

EDIH Austrian Business Talks 2024

We are looking forward to presenting the highlights of salz21 from 06 to 07 March 2024 soon - stay tuned!

Former Spokespersons

Neil Harbisson
David Hanson & Sophia
Federal Minister Dr. Karoline Edtstadler
Gouvernor Dr. Wilfried Haslauer
Svenja Lassen
Gerald Kiska
Anastassia Lauterbach
Mila Aliana
Edi Pyrek
Conny Hörl
Elias Zamora
Stephanie Meisl
Mika Dictator